We guarantee the best rate on our website. If you find a better rate, contact our reservation center at  57 (601) 587 95 70 and we'll match the price!

Frequent questions

Take advantage of our promotions and live the best experiences in Bogotá.

  • What time is Check-In and Check-Out at the hotel?​

    Check in: 15:00

  • What is the hotel's policy regarding early arrivals and late departures?​

    Late check out depending on availability. 20,000 COP departure until 3 PM 50,000 COP departure until 6 PM 100% of the rate after 6 PM.

  • What is the minimum age to check in at the hotel?​

    18 years.

  • Do you have room service?

    Available from 6:30 AM to 10 PM. It costs $2,000 COP.

  • What are the hours of the common areas (Restaurants, swimming pools, spa)?


  • Where can I see the restaurant's menu or menu?

    On our website in the restaurants section in the center of Bogotá.

  • Can I bring food and drinks into the hotel and room?


  • Is any vaccination required to enter the hotel?


  • Tours and additional services?

    Yes. Ask at reception for more details and costs, they have direct contact with our tour partner.

  • Where is the Hotel located?

    CALLE 18 #5-56, Bogotá. We are 30 minutes by car from El Dorado International Airport, and the Salitre Transport Terminal is 27 minutes by car.

  • Do you offer free parking?​

    No. We offer to our guests based on availability. Covered parking at a cost of $12,000 COP/day per vehicle.

  • What is the nearest airport?​

    El Dorado International Airport.

  • Do you offer private transportation service?​

    Yes, with additional charge.

  • How can I book my birthday at the hotel or other types of events at the restaurant?​

    If you have any special requirements, please contact WhatsApp 57 323 2182415

  • What do the hotel plans consist of?​

    Romantic birthday plan. Special decoration in the room with full dinner in our restaurant and half a bottle of wine.

  • What payment methods are offered on the website and at the hotel?​

    All credit, debit, cash, PSE, Daviplata, Nequi and Paypal cards. Bank transfer to Davivienda.

  • What is the hotel's cancellation policy?​

    For Flexible reservations, all cancellations must be requested in writing and at least 24 hours before the guest's arrival, otherwise the value of the first night of accommodation will be charged. In the case of Non-Refundable reservations, we inform you that these cannot be canceled. in any moment. Any early departure must be informed at the reception at least 24 hours in advance, otherwise the value of the night's accommodation will be charged (early departure not applicable for reservations with non-refundable rates).

  • What is the smoking policy at the hotel?​

    Please NO SMOKING in the hotel facilities. Failure to comply with this rule entails a cleaning charge of COP$ 200,000. We are a space 100% free of tobacco smoke and its derivatives. (Article 19 of Law 1335 of 2009). There is a space for smokers on the hotel terrace.

  • Does the hotel allow pets?​


  • What type of currency is accepted at the hotel?​

    Colombian Peso (COP$)

  • What is the weather like at the destination?​

    During the day the average maximum temperature ranges between 16 and 18 ºC while in the early morning the minimum temperature is between 8 and 10 ºC.

  • Should I bring an electrical adapter?​

    In Colombia the plugs and outlets are type A and B. The standard voltage in the outlets is 110 V and the frequency is 60 Hz. We have some power converters available at reception, according to request and availability.

  • How does public transportation work?​

    The Transmilenio is the means of transportation most used by Bogota residents. SITP: Integrated Public Transportation System integrates companies that provide bus services. Payment is made using a rechargeable card.

  • Is the city water drinkable?

    Bogotá is one of the cities that has a drinking water treatment system with the highest quality standards; This allows millions of citizens to consume it with complete confidence. Likewise, we have water filters on each floor and bottled mineral water at reception.

  • Is Bogotá unsafe?

    We are located in the center of the city and as a cosmopolitan city there are factors to take into account when you move around the center: do not carry valuable objects in sight, be careful when using your cell phone on public roads, do not go out at late hours. at night and always request transportation by phone or at reception.

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